8 Best Gym Hygiene Practices for Africans


By Oluwasola SamuelFreelance Writer. Medical and editorial review by The DLHA Team


Gym hygiene is crucial for maintaining personal health and showing consideration for others. Yes, you heard that right. The gym is a hotspot for spreading germs and bacteria because of bodily fluid (sweat) and frequent contact in the gym. As a result, you need to maintain proper gym hygiene to make the gym a much safer place for you and other gym-goers.

Whether you’re a gym owner, gym newbie, or fitness enthusiast, practicing good hygiene is a must because it helps prevent the spread of germs, bacteria, and infections. It ensures you have a safe and clean environment for everyone.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the vital gym hygiene practices that can follow. They are especially tailored for the African conditions where some gym owners may not provide all the necessary hygiene kits or products. Let get started.


1. Bring Your Towel

Clean gym towels

Bring your own clean towel to the gym.


Before you hit the gym, ensure you come with your towel. Having your towel while working out in the gym is important. A towel absorbs your sweat and becomes a barrier between you and the equipment. It helps reduce the risk of skin infections such as staphylococcus sp. or ringworm. [1] Use your towel to wipe off sweat during and after your workout to prevent the spread of germs. 

Gyms might not always provide you with disposable disinfectant wipes or single-use towels, so having your towel ensures you can cover gym equipment before use and keep everything clean. It’s also a great way to show gym etiquette and respect for others using the same equipment.

Recommendation: Consider bringing two quality towels, one for wiping sweat and the other for placing on equipment before use. Remember to wash your towels after each use to prevent bacterial growth. 


2. Wipe down equipment 

Use disinfectant wipes to clean equipment after each use

Wipe down equipment after each use


This is a non-negotiable part of gym hygiene. Here is why: Bacteria and viruses can easily spread fast in the gym because of sweat droplets from other gym users trapped on gym equipment. This is important for shared equipment, like benches, dumbbells, and cardio machines. Use a spray or disinfectant wipes to clean equipment, mats, and weights before you use them. 

If your gym doesn’t provide these cleaning kits, ensure you bring yours to the gym. At first, it might seem like additional work or expenses, but it's worth it. By taking these extra steps, you reduce your risk of infection. Everyone will have a clean and safer workout experience if you maintain and keep gym equipment clean.

Recommendation: Carry a small spray bottle of disinfectant and a microfiber cloth in your gym bag. Also, ensure you get eco-friendly and skin-safe cleaning solutions to avoid skin irritation. [2]


3. Wash Your Hands Regularly

Wash our hands after every workout

Wash your hand or use hand sanitiser after each workout


Washing your hands is one of the simplest and most effective ways to stay healthy. Do this before and after your workout to remove any germs or bacteria you might have picked up before and during your workout. Hand sanitiser is a suitable alternative if soap and water are not readily available. If you end up touching multiple surfaces, like gym equipment, during your workout, you must wash your hands.

Your face is a common route for infection. You have to wash and sanitise your face and hands frequently to reduce your risk of transferring germs from surfaces to your face.

Recommendation: If water isn’t available, bring a small bottle in your gym bag and another in your car to wash your hands and face. Alternatively, you can buy sanitisers that contain at least 60% alcohol content for maximum effectiveness. [3] Use alcohol-based sanitisers only on your hand and not on your face. 


4. Wear Clean Workout Clothes

Wear dry and clean clothing before and after workout

Wear dry and clean clothing before and after workout 


Wear dry, clean clothes before you start your gym session. When you re-wear sweaty clothes from a previous workout, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, leading to skin infections and unpleasant odours. [4] 

When you wear clean clothes, it shows you have gym etiquette and respect for those around you, and it enhances the overall atmosphere of the gym. This practice helps to keep you fresh and also maintains overall gym hygiene.

Recommendation: You should consider buying quick-drying fabrics. These fabrics help keep you dry and minimise odour. This can help keep you comfortable and hygienic while you have your gym clothes on. Remember to always wash your clothes after each use. This helps to keep bacteria and fungi away.         


5. Use Personal Hygiene Products

Personal hygiene products kit

Have a bag containing your personal hygiene products for your gym use.


In many gyms in Africa, you might find that personal hygiene products like disinfectant wipes, shower gel, or even disposable drinking cups aren’t provided. Only a few gym centres observe good hygiene practices. Personal hygiene products like deodorant, face wipes, and hand sanitisers will help you stay fresh during and after your workout. It will be in your best interest to bring them along with your hygiene items if your gym doesn’t make these items available. 


When you have your hygiene items, it shows you’re prepared for anything, from wiping down equipment to freshening up after a workout. This can make a significant difference in your gym hygiene routine. Antibacterial wipes can be a temporary solution for cleaning your body if your gym has limited water for use.


Recommendation: Always pack your hygiene kit with essentials such as deodorant, antibacterial wipes, face wipes, and hand sanitisers. These essentials ensure you’re always prepared, even if the gym has them in short supply.


6. Shower after Your Workout

Black m under a shower

Shower after each workout


It's important to always take a shower after a workout. Do you know why? Taking a post-workout shower helps to wash away sweat, bacteria, and germs that can cause infections. If you don't shower after your gym session, you are only putting yourself and other gym users at risk. 

Where your gym doesn’t have shower facilities, ensure you freshen up with antibacterial wipes or change into clean clothes immediately until you can shower properly at home. This step is crucial for maintaining workout hygiene and feeling refreshed after your rigorous routine.

Recommendation: Bring your flip-flops and wear them in the gym shower to minimise or avoid picking up athlete’s foot and other infections. [5] Make sure you come along with your towel to dry yourself before changing into clean clothes. After you get home, dry off the towel to avoid creating a moist environment where bacteria and fungi can thrive. 


7. Avoid Sharing Personal Items

Towel and water bottle

Do not share personal gym items like towels and water bottles


Sharing personal items is against personal hygiene practices. This might sound awkward, but it's true. Here is why: Sharing personal items like water bottles, towels, or gym gear can easily spread infections and germs. It can cause skin infections or other serious health conditions. 

Always use your belongings; it's for your safety. This will minimise your risk of picking up or spreading anything harmful. This is a simple yet effective way to practice good gym etiquette and keep yourself and others safe. Always practice gym courtesy. This means respecting other gym-goers’ space, sharing equipment, and, more importantly, cleaning equipment after use and returning it to its proper place.

There are a few instances where you might need to share. When someone is in immediate need of your item or you need to borrow something from other gym users. However, ensure you disinfect the item thoroughly before and after use. 

Recommendation: Make sure you label your items to avoid mix-ups and the transfer of germs and bacteria. If you must share equipment, clean it thoroughly before and after use to keep you and others safe.


8. Keep Your Gym Bag Clean

Purple coloured gym bag

Empty and clean your gym bag regularly


You need to understand that your gym bag can harbour germs and bacteria if not cleaned regularly. As a result, after working out in the gym, empty and clean your gym bag. Always remember to store your workout clothes and shoes in separate compartments of your bag to prevent cross-contamination. A clean and well-arranged gym bag plays a vital role in maintaining good gym hygiene and helping you to keep everything you need organised and ready for your next gym session.

If you can get two gym bags, please do. If you have two gym bags, it will give you enough time to rotate between both bags. This gives you enough time to clean and dry each bag before use.

Recommendation: Make sure you dry off your gym bags after use to prevent offensive odours from building up in your bag. Regularly empty your bag and expose it to the sun and air. This is to dry up all moisture to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odours. 

You can also use disinfectant wipes or a mild cleaning solution to clean both the inside and outside of your bag. If you can get breathable and washable gym bags or ones with removable compartments that can be cleaned easily, it will be awesome.



Maintaining good health in the gym is crucial for a safe and enjoyable workout experience. By following these hygiene practices, you can prevent the spread of germs, bacteria, and infections, ensuring a cleaner environment for everyone. 

Remember to bring your hygiene products, such as disinfectant wipes and personal toiletries, especially to gyms that may not provide these items. Your efforts can inspire others to adopt similar habits, contributing to a healthier and more pleasant gym environment for everyone.

Good gym hygiene and gym etiquette not only protect you but also show you respect and consider other fellow gym-goers. Stay healthy, stay clean, and enjoy your workouts.



1. MedilinePlus. Skin infections [Internet]. Last updated 2024 April 24. [Cited 2024, July 28]. Available from here.

2. American Academy of Dermatology. 10 reasons your skin itches uncontrollably and how to get relief [Internet, n.d.]. Cited 2024, July 28. Available from here.

3. CDC Clean Hands. Hand sanitizer guidelines and recommendations [Internet]. March 12, 2024 [Cited 2024 July 28]. Available from here.

4. Nagan V, Bandia M, Keefe M. Bromhidrosis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment. Dermnet. [Internet]. Last updated2021 June. 2023 [Cited 2024 Jul 28]. Available from here.

5. MedlinePlus. Athlete’s Foot [Internet]. Last updated. 2016 April 4. [Cited 2024 Jul 28]. Available from here.



Related: Does exercise promote general health?



Published: August 7, 2024

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